Pumpkin Burned Down the House
A face to wake up to
A moment to lick plastic
I regret every decision that led me to this moment
Orange cat is a little too satisfied
Focused on Nothing
Not the brightest but maybe the cutest
Before Coffee
little sox, the adventurer, the drunk.
Polar Ice Cats
Beer Lover
Rose Kitty
Best spot in the house
The face of a liar
ooomph almost there!
the happiest cat in the world.
Black Ink Wash Cat
Overly concerned cat.
The Great Hero Whiskers
Kitten Sleeps Through it All
10 seconds before the catnip
Drunken Swizzle Boots
Princess Buttercup
Demon in the Grass
Pumpkin Burned Down the House
Pumpkin Burned Down the House

..... again.


Acrylic on Canvas

A face to wake up to
A face to wake up to

Who needs coffee when you can have unflinching eye contact.

A moment to lick plastic
A moment to lick plastic

and other 2pm adventures.

I regret every decision that led me to this moment
I regret every decision that led me to this moment

and other biography titles.


acrylic on panel.

Orange cat is a little too satisfied
Orange cat is a little too satisfied

it makes me very nervous

Focused on Nothing
Focused on Nothing

It's a difficult skill to master.


acrylic on panel.

Not the brightest but maybe the cutest
Not the brightest but maybe the cutest

good for a laugh, good for a lifetime.

Before Coffee
Before Coffee

The most dangerous game.


Acrylic on Canvas

little sox, the adventurer, the drunk.
little sox, the adventurer, the drunk.

cats, am i right?


acrylic on panel.

Polar Ice Cats
Polar Ice Cats

Gouache on paper for the 2016 Recycled Rain Show.


Beer Lover
Beer Lover

sometimes you just really have to throw yourself in.

marker on paper.

Rose Kitty
Rose Kitty

Nervous about it all, yet happy still.


acrylic on wood.

Best spot in the house
Best spot in the house

you didn't plan on moving, or getting dressed, or well anything did you.


acrylic on canvas

The face of a liar
The face of a liar

She had the face you can trust, but definitely shouldn't


acrylic on panel


A spooky ghost.


gouache on paper.

ooomph almost there!
ooomph almost there!

do you mind.


acrylic on wood

the happiest cat in the world.
the happiest cat in the world.

a little pilot for my heart.


acrylic on wood.



Black Ink Wash Cat
Black Ink Wash Cat

for a rainy day.


ink on paper.

Overly concerned cat.
Overly concerned cat.

he worried a little too much about you.


acrylic on panel.


The Great Hero Whiskers
The Great Hero Whiskers

a daredevil, a dynamo, asleep.


acrylic on wood

Kitten Sleeps Through it All
Kitten Sleeps Through it All

Doesn't blink for hours, jumps at the sound of a can opening.

acrylic on panel.


She got her nickname on the streets, or well the couch really.


acrylic on panel.

10 seconds before the catnip
10 seconds before the catnip

I could hear that rumbling in the distance, i knew the storm was upon us.


acrylic on panel.

Drunken Swizzle Boots
Drunken Swizzle Boots

A drink for my friends, all 12 of them.


acrylic on panel.

Princess Buttercup
Princess Buttercup

A stunning beauty in all regards/


acrylic on panel.

Demon in the Grass
Demon in the Grass

you never know what can be lurking...


acrylic on canvas.